
Environmental Management Systems

Environmental Management Systems are voluntary tools for the company for Environmental Management and managing environmental issues.

With the help of a functioning Environmental Management System, a company can improve its level of environmental protection, reduce its costs and improve its eco-competitiveness. The Environmental Management System can be used in marketing and communication for important stakeholders, from authorities to customers.

In the Environmental Management System, the company sets its goals related to environmental matters, implements measures, monitors the realization of the goals and constantly improves the level of its environmental protection. Environmental systems are required more and more also in supply chains and tenders. There is a wide selection of Environmental Management Systems, from which you can find a suitable model for every organization.

The Ecopackage™ is our own product that enables companies to improve their management of environmental issues. The Ecopackage, which is lighter than actual environmental systems, is particularly suitable for small businesses.

1. MAPPING We map your environmental issues (waste management, consumption of materials, energy and water, transport and emissions).

2. REPORT Based on the mapping, we make a report with development proposals.

3. TRAINING We train your personnel.

4. CONTROL We carry out a control visit to detect changes and give additional advice if necessary.

5. ENVIRONMENTAL CERTIFICATE Finally, you will receive an Environmental Certificate.

You will continue to receive help from us in questions related to the environment also in the future.


EcoChange Ltd was an EcoStart consultant tendered by the ELY Center and received full credits in the consultant competition. EcoChange made EcoStart for several industries in different parts of Finland. Unfortunately, the support and license for EcoStart ended at the end of 2013. If EcoStart is put into use again, we will offer it again. EcoStart was a lightened, national model developed especially for SMEs, which enables companies to improve their eco-efficiency and manage their environmental issues. The system could be built in 3 to 8 days, to receive an EcoStart certificate. EcoStart can be expanded to also cover the requirements of the EMAS and ISO 14001 standards

EMAS Easy on pienille ja keskisuurille organisaatioille kehitetty kevennetty menetelmä ympäristöjärjestelmän rakentamiseen. Tällä menetelmällä saa EMAS:n tai ISO 14001 –standardin vaatimukset täyttävän ympäristöjärjestelmän rakennettua 4-10 päivässä. Se perustuu visualisointiin (karttoihin) ja Ecxel –taulukoihin. Dokumentointi on minimoitu. EMAS –standardia noudattava yritys sitoutuu tekemään vuosittain julkisen ympäristöraportin, jossa se kertoo ympäristöasioidensa hoidosta. The ISO 14001 standard is more flexible than the EMAS standard, since it does not oblige the company to submit a public environmental report. ISO 14001 is a worldwide and the world's most popular Environmental Management System.

Green Office is a lightweight Environmental Management System for offices, coordinated by WWF Finland. An office that complies with the system receives the Green Office label. Green Office has grown in popularity among a wide variety of organizations. In terms of time, it takes 4-12 months to build the Green Office. The number of consultation days depends entirely on your needs. We are your help in all issues related to the Green Office.

Ekokompassi was originally developed by the Helsinki Environmental Center and later managed by HSY Ilmastoinfo. It's a lightweight Environmental Management System for small and medium-sized companies and communities. Nowadays, it is managed by Kinos Oy. EcoChange / Suvi Runsten has received training in building and auditing Ekokompassi. Ekokompassi is affordable to implement, see